Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges (AMUPMDC) –MAHARASHTRA
First year of MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BPTh, BOTh & BSc-Nursing courses In Private Medical, Dental and other
Health Science Colleges In Maharashtra State for the Academic year 2011-2012. All the Health Science
Colleges of the Association are affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and Medical
colleges approved by Medical Council of India, Dental Colleges by Dental Council of India & other Health
Science Colleges by their respective Central Councils.
SCHEDULE OF Asso-CET 2011: Tuesday 17th May 2011.
Centres within Maharashtra State: (01) Mumbai, (02) Navi Mumbai, (03) Thane (City), (04) Pune,
(05) Nashik, (06) Dhule, (07) Jalgaon, (08) Ahmednagar, (09) Sangli, (10) Solapur, (11) Kolhapur, (12)
Aurangabad, (13) Parbhani, (14) Nanded, (15) Latur, (16) Akola, (17) Amravcati, (18) Nagpur, (19)
Centres outside Maharashtra State: (20) Delhi, (21) Chandigarh, (22) Luchnow, (23) Jaipur, (24)
Bhopal, (25) Indore, (26) Ahmedabad, (27) Hyderabad, (28) Kolkatta.
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How To Apply:
1. Prescribed application forms can be obtained from the Notified Centers against DD drawn on the Nationalized
Bank in the name of the "AMUPMDC" only payable at "Mumbai" for Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only)
2. Application forms will also be available from Association’s Office, AMUPMDC, Shrijee House 75 Mint Road, and
Mumbai – 01 by post with an additional DD of Rs. 200 /- for postal charges.
3. Forms will also be available from Selected Branches of Punjab National Bank (PNB) on cash payment of Rs.
4. The Application Form must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting using black ballpoint pen. The
application form complete in all respect shall be submitted directly to the office of AMUPMDC, Mumbai either in
person or by Post/Courier. The filled-in Application Form is to be duly returned in the Envelope provided with the
Application Form along with DD drawn in favour of "AMUPMDC" and payable at "Mumbai" for Rs. 1,500/- (Rs One
thousand Five Hundred only) Asso-CET 2011 Examination Fee.
1.1. Application Form Submitted by POST must be accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped
envelope along with Receipt-cum-Identity Card (Annexure - “F”) for acknowledgement.
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Important Dates:
Availability of Forms:
10/3/2011 to 10/4/2011
Submission of Filled in Application Forms:
Last date for Submission of Filled in Application Forms with Late Fee of Rs. 500/: 20/04/2011
Tuesday 17th May 2011.
Time: 10:00 am to 1.00 pm
First year of MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BPTh, BOTh & BSc-Nursing courses In Private Medical, Dental and other
Health Science Colleges In Maharashtra State for the Academic year 2011-2012. All the Health Science
Colleges of the Association are affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik and Medical
colleges approved by Medical Council of India, Dental Colleges by Dental Council of India & other Health
Science Colleges by their respective Central Councils.
SCHEDULE OF Asso-CET 2011: Tuesday 17th May 2011.
Centres within Maharashtra State: (01) Mumbai, (02) Navi Mumbai, (03) Thane (City), (04) Pune,
(05) Nashik, (06) Dhule, (07) Jalgaon, (08) Ahmednagar, (09) Sangli, (10) Solapur, (11) Kolhapur, (12)
Aurangabad, (13) Parbhani, (14) Nanded, (15) Latur, (16) Akola, (17) Amravcati, (18) Nagpur, (19)
Centres outside Maharashtra State: (20) Delhi, (21) Chandigarh, (22) Luchnow, (23) Jaipur, (24)
Bhopal, (25) Indore, (26) Ahmedabad, (27) Hyderabad, (28) Kolkatta.
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How To Apply:
1. Prescribed application forms can be obtained from the Notified Centers against DD drawn on the Nationalized
Bank in the name of the "AMUPMDC" only payable at "Mumbai" for Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only)
2. Application forms will also be available from Association’s Office, AMUPMDC, Shrijee House 75 Mint Road, and
Mumbai – 01 by post with an additional DD of Rs. 200 /- for postal charges.
3. Forms will also be available from Selected Branches of Punjab National Bank (PNB) on cash payment of Rs.
4. The Application Form must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting using black ballpoint pen. The
application form complete in all respect shall be submitted directly to the office of AMUPMDC, Mumbai either in
person or by Post/Courier. The filled-in Application Form is to be duly returned in the Envelope provided with the
Application Form along with DD drawn in favour of "AMUPMDC" and payable at "Mumbai" for Rs. 1,500/- (Rs One
thousand Five Hundred only) Asso-CET 2011 Examination Fee.
1.1. Application Form Submitted by POST must be accompanied by a self-addressed and stamped
envelope along with Receipt-cum-Identity Card (Annexure - “F”) for acknowledgement.
Advertisement Notice click here
Important Dates:
Availability of Forms:
10/3/2011 to 10/4/2011
Submission of Filled in Application Forms:
Last date for Submission of Filled in Application Forms with Late Fee of Rs. 500/: 20/04/2011
Tuesday 17th May 2011.
Time: 10:00 am to 1.00 pm
ReplyDeleteCentres within Maharashtra State: (01) Mumbai
Lyaz D'mello Identity No.00278 would like to know the name and address of the college /centre. Please help.
Pl help and send details to