National Medical Commission, Bharat has announced the draft upcoming regulation for National Exit Test for Undergraduate students of MBBS. This exam is going to change whole examination pattern of MBBS course in Bharat. The NMC kept it on web page on 28th Dec 2022 and asked the comments form country wide population.
The link for the draft regulation is
You can download form here
If you are parents of medial students, if your kids wants to take admission in future or if you are in medical field as student or as faculty or as a doctor or as professional, you must read and comment.
Key points which are required to keep in mind
This is poorly drafted regulation.
No clear guidelines are incorporated for examination pattern.
MCQ based test as final examination will be taken at the end of final MBBS by National Testing Agency that too on computer as NExt-1. Here question what will be the role of university?
Practical examination will be taken after one year of internship by local university as NExT-2. So the role of university is not clarify.
There are six subjects for NExT -1 and seven subjects for NExT-2.
Everything is looks like clinical only means curative component. They do not want holistic approach of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative approach to teach at IMG
Skills will be taken as NExT-2 as practical examination. It means that students will start reading only and skill based approach during ug studies.
Questions items number is given with time for computer based evaluation but no much information on type of question. When will they issue guide for question? No clarity on that. This will promote the coaching class concept.
This is required to improve to achieve the objective of India Medical Graduate concept with a doctor of first contact.
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